We run 3 types of Seniors (11-18 yrs) groups

Our Acting on Location class is our most unique weekly group. In this small group session, we focus mainly on three things - performing in experimental plays, performing in unusual locations & the future. No two terms are ever the same. We rehearse unique theatrical events, art installations, and experiences, rather than plays for theatres, and often perform on unique, movie-set locations. We have performed in underground tunnels, dense woodlands, abandoned schools, and centuries old churches. Every young actor is given a brilliant role (written with the actor in mind) and is taken through a rehearsal process that resembles a professional production. Our stories are originally written, based on popular movies, books and games and are ridiculously fun to rehearse. By the end of the year, this group will have performed in two productions - one at Christmas & one in the summer. This class improves confidence, overall happiness, acting ability, and young people's chances of gaining a place at one the country's top universities or drama schools.
£160 per full term
More FAQs below
Screen Acting Plus is a small group class in which participants are taught how to act for TV, film, streaming services, radio, podcasts, and digital media.
This class gives young performers invaluable techniques to use when acting for the screen but also teaches them the importance of being more than just an actor. Together, we develop screenplay ideas in the writers room, operate cameras, lighting and sound equipment, record voiceovers and podcasts, analyse films, and work together as a cast and crew to shoot short movies, scenes, sequences, and more. These days, over 70% of the work available to actors is on screen. Thus, Screen Acting Plus is a real-world experience of the ins and outs of filming independent, low-budget projects whereby participants will gain the knowledge and experience needed to take their skills into the outside world and work on projects important to them. See you on set!
£160 per full term
More FAQs below
Our two Senior Stage Acting groups focus mainly on three things - shows, workshops & the future. We rehearse and perform in full scale productions for the theatre. We have performed in dramas, thrillers, horrors, action-adventures, comedies, and more. Every young actor is given a brilliant role (written with the actor in mind) and is taken through a rehearsal process that resembles a professional production. Our plays are always originally written, based on popular movies and ridiculously fun to rehearse. By the end of the year, each Seniors Stage Acting group will have performed in at least one production and taken part in dozens of acting workshops. This class improves confidence, overall happiness, acting ability, and young people's chances of gaining a place at one the country's top universities or drama schools.
£120 per full term
More FAQs below



Old Police Station, Lark Lane Community Centre, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UU (Mon & Tue)
Belvedere Academy, Princes Park, Aigburth, Liverpool, L8 3TF (Wed)
VIEW TIMETABLE - Classes follow the school term timetable
Stage Acting - £120 per full term
Acting on Location + Screen Acting Plus - £160 per full term
Terms are usually 12 weeks (3 x terms per year)
Paying termly or half termly
Taster class available - You don't need to pay up front
Our shows & films are 100% acting (no singing/dancing)
Scripts & materials are often included in the price
Stage Acting: We perform in one large scale show per year
Acting on Location: We perform in two smaller shows per year
Screen Acting Plus: We shoot/record three projects per year
CLICK HERE to learn more about our group leaders
Anxiety, stresses & nerves
Meeting new friends
Building confidence
Public speaking
Reading skills
Job, college and university interviews
Creativity & Imagination
Story telling
Self discipline
Becoming a happier version of you
The list is endless!